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Competition is one of our favorite things about DECA! It's a fun way to network with members from all different chapters, put your skills to the test, and have a bunch of fun along the way. 

If you have never competed, don't worry! We've got your back and all the prep you could ever need. Check out our past competitions, event descriptions, and competition prep below. 

Fall Prep


This year we have decided to do something a bit different. To get our members prepared and feeling comfortable for state, we have decided to implement a fall competition! This competition is just for our chapter. This opportunity is for our members to get a feeling of what competition is, what event fits them best, and to get feedback from real judges to improve their competition skills! ​




State is our second competition of the year and it is typically held in the beginning of spring semester. Unlike Regionals, State is a fun event that lasts all weekend! At State you can participate in both Prepared and Case Study events, we recommend trying out both! This is your chance to qualify for the International Career Development Conference! 

More information about this year's State can be found below. 


ICDC - Nationals


This is what you've been waiting for all year! When you qualify at State, you get the opportunity to compete at the National level and represent our chapter in front of other chapters all around the country and even Canada! ICDC has been held all around the country like Atlanta, Anaheim, Orlando, and Washington D.C. 

More information about the International Career Development Conference can be found below. 


interested in competing?

Check out our competitive events page here or for more detailed information go to the National DECA website here!

competition prep

If competition is new to you, we recommend that you check out our page with a walk-through of a case study and helpful videos for each Prepared Event. 


If you have any questions regarding competition, contact our VP of Competition: Keelin Pierner.


You can also reach out to any of our other executive board members, we're here to help you experience all the fun of competing with the UWW DECA chapter!

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